by Joseph Mohr
original illustrated by Susan Jeffers, E.P. Dutton, 1984
re-illustrated by Susan Jeffers, Dutton Children's Books, 2003

Susan Jeffers has been re-illustrating many of her books for the 21st Century.  Immediatly identifiable by the new covers, these re-issues have richer colors. Some of the pictures are almost exactly the same, but others are new interpretations of the same scene.

Silent Night is one from the first category. At first glance all that seems to have changed is the quality of printing (richer, deeper colors) and the new gold borders.  It's upon closer inspection that we begin to see the differences that tell us these are brand new illustrations.  In the first double page spread, for example, Mary no longer holds a white cat and her gown now has three dark stripes on the sleeve.
The most notable difference is in the picture of an angel holding the new born baby Jesus. In the original, the expressive face of the angel looks like a portrait of a real person. The newer angel has a more generic, but no less expressive face.  In fact, I think that generic faces, as opposed to those based too strongly on a model, give an artist more of a chance to add the expression necessary for the story.
I could be completely wrong. Perhaps the original angel isn't based on a real face at all.  In any case, the re-illustrated scene is wonderful.

The 1984 edition is in the left column below. 2003 revision is in the right column.